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Friday, August 21, 2009

FACT: SPS looks bad in testing violations

(Updated Aug. 28, 2009)

In the spring of 2009, Madison Chapman was a student in Jim Harrison's 6th-grade class at Balboa Elementary School, Spokane, WA. During the administration of the state standardized test (the WASL), Pat Lynass, principal of Balboa Elementary, violated WASL protocol by interfering with the secure administration of the test. (This is not in dispute.) Since then, Spokane Public Schools (SPS) administrators have gone on the record as saying that the principal will not be disciplined for these violations, but that Jim Harrison's class is a "problem." (Mr. Harrison has been vocal in the past about Spokane's poor mathematics curricula.)

On Aug. 12, Madison's father, Hal Chapman, spoke to the school board. Before his allotted five minutes were up, the school board president interrupted Mr. Chapman to tell him his time was running out and to ask him to summarize. The president said the state was looking at the issue and the district had to leave it with the state. Mr. Chapman said his goal was to deliver the facts to the school board and to the assembled people, and he asked the board for another minute so he could finish his presentation. After a brief discussion, the president agreed to give him another minute.

Following is the full text of Hal Chapman's presentation to the school board on August 12.

I would like to take this time to thank the board for giving me this opportunity to speak about events that led to an official bullying and harassment complaint form being filed on behalf of Madison Chapman, 6th grader at Balboa Elementary.

The District has made attempts to mask the reason Pat Lynass was proctor in Mr. Harrison's class. I am here today to make the FACTS very clear to everyone.

Fact: On April 16th, Pat Lynass, while alone, thumbed through finished WASL tests in the privacy of her own office. Fact: That is a violation of WASL rules and protocol.

While thumbing through those tests, Pat Lynass came across a few students whom she felt could have made a better effort to answer questions that would be more favorable to the school and the district.

Fact: Pat Lynass had 5 days from April 16th to April 21st to come to the teacher, the students, or their parents and discuss what she found. She chose not to.

On April 21st, just before the test was about to begin, Pat Lynass excused the original proctor and assumed the duties of proctor in that classroom for the day. Within minutes after the test began, Pat Lynass made her way to Madison Chapman and leaned down and told her that if she didn't do well on this portion of the WASL exam she would NOT be able to get into an advanced placement math class at Salk Middle School next year -- A BOLD-FACED LIE.

Fact: This is against WASL protocol. Trying to influence a child into getting answers that are more favorable to the school and the district is considered cheating and is a VERY serious violation.

Fact: WASL test scores for incoming 7th graders are NOT utilized to prevent students from accessing the honors program.

The fact that Pat Lynass had information on the 16th and decided to use that information 5 days later to harass/bully and manipulate a 12-year-old child is VERY disturbing. To have the district condone this behavior by a principal would validate suspicions that these violations are tolerated and accepted as a means to manipulate scores in favor of the school and the district.

Fact: The teacher Mr. Harrison excused Madison to use the bathroom after Pat Lynass had humiliated her and she began to cry. Pat Lynass proceeded to follow Madison into the bathroom and closed the door behind her. She then continued to badger Maddi until she no longer wanted to go back into the classroom to finish the test.

Fact: Pat Lynass as the proctor has an obligation to provide a quiet testing atmosphere and remain in that classroom to proctor, and AGAIN failed to follow protocol.

Fact: Pat Lynass told me she did this because the district failed to meet its AYP for having low test scores, and she had to make sure the district wouldn't fall short of expectations again this year because federal funding was riding on these tests.

Fact: Pat Lynass went over to another student’s test that was finished and lying faced down. Pat Lynass picked up that test. thumbed through it, pointed to an unfinished portion, placed it back in front of the student and told him he needed to finish this test.

Fact: This is another blatant disregard for the rules governing the test. Again -- trying to influence a child into getting answers that favor the school and the district is cheating and AGAIN, I (along with the surrounding parents and taxpayers in Spokane Public School boundaries) are wondering WHY the principal is NOT going to be held accountable for her actions, AND WHY does the district condone this kind of behavior ???

Fact: The district has targeted Mr. Harrison and, on the Channel 4 KXLY 6 o'clock News, has accused him of being a problem teacher.

The district insists that because of the number of people who opted out of the WASL the year prior, Pat Lynass needed to be in Mr. Harrison's classroom on April 21st.

Fact: A parent’s choice to opt a student out of testing is NOT a violation.

Fact: What Pat Lynass has managed to pull off is definitely a series of serious violations.

Fact: I have the original proctor schedule in my possession and Pat Lynass is not on there at all to assume the proctor duties in Mr. Harrison's classroom. If the district felt the need to have Pat observe Mr. Harrison's classroom for something that happened a year ago, the schedule would reflect that.

Fact: It's time the district stops condoning and tolerating this kind of behavior, and ... it's time the district is held accountable for continuing to protect a principal named Pat Lynass who has become a liability. Board members, I hope you are finding this interesting. As you are a publicly elected, volunteer board, ultimately responsible to the community for the successful implementation of the school district’s mission, I have to ask: What exactly was District 81's mission on and after the 21st of April and do you stand behind that mission?

I would like to refer to Ivan Bush’s investigation findings in the bullying report. The investigation did substantiate that Mrs. Lynass's interactions with Madison during testing – and after Madison was released from testing – caused embarrassment and humiliation for her.

I am disgusted that District 81 continues to cover up the real issue, refuses to hold Pat Lynass accountable for her actions, has yet to offer any kind of apology, and worst of all continues to publicly badmouth the best thing Balboa has going for it -- their 6th-grade teacher Mr. Harrison.

I would ask that the board please respond. Thank you.

Hal Chapman



  1. I would like to add that this is only a tiny 5 minute description of what happend on that 21st of April .... After this came to light .. Pat Lynass continued to bully Madison and her younger brother at balboa ... At one point Madison was afraid to eat lunch in the cafeteria because Pat Lynass would glare at her. Madison was afraid to walk past the principal Pat Lynass through the lunch room to buy a juice box to take back to Mr. Harrison's classroom, Madison chose to drink tap water from the sink in his classroom because Pat continued to glare at her several times. The district is fully aware of Pat Lynass' actions and continue to down play the events and refuse to hold her accountable for her actions ....

  2. Mr. Chapman,

    Have you considered writing to Randy Dorn, our new State Superintendent of Schools regarding this? I wish you the best of luck & keep fighting.

  3. I actually called Randy Dorn today ... I should say tried to ... Chris Baron from OSPI has said that the WASL proctor rules are just guidelines and it's up to the district to decide if they want to enforce them .. he also said that what OSPI is really concerned about is if the testing results were altered in any way on a large scale .. Like if a teacher helped with an answer with the class ... Not so much as an individual ... Basically I was told ... No harm .. No fowl ... The district decides who is disciplined and who is not ... I wonder how the teachers feel that had suffered 15 day non paid suspensions and termination for minor protocol violations .. and Pat Lynass doesn't so much as get a hand slap ....
    I would like to tell you the teacher involved quit .... Mr. Harrison has told me he can no longer work for a principal who would treat children the way my child was treated ... Nor work for a district that would condone such behavior from an employee .... There were many people who cried when the news spread ... including past students ... current students .. future students ... fellow teachers and friends ... He was a huge positive influence on so many children ...

  4. Wow! I thought there would be a better response than that from the OSPI. I'm sorry they were no help.

    I do know you can opt your child out of taking those tests. State law mandates the test being administered, but students are not required to take it if the parent fills out an opt out form. I did that for my son last year & I gather a lot of his classmates were jealous & one kindergarten teacher was grateful he could help her that week. You can learn more about opting out at

    I also spoke to every parent I could about how bad the WASL was, I don't know how much impact I had, but I do know they listened.

    I'm sorry the teacher involved quit, but I'm glad he had the courage to do so. It's a sad day when good teachers quit because of rotten bureaucracy.

  5. I ran into a similiar bully in the classroom while I was in Washington. Harrison could have a job in my state anytime. It makes me sick to hear stories like this.

    Your administrators don't understand that their is more to the WASL than getting right answers. Middle school is particularly vulnurable. Spokane parents fought against the math and science programs in their community and now they face more wrath. Don't pass your levys and throw out the idiots on your schoolboard.
